Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's Wrong in Denver

With the amount of media attention and pressure on athletes (both in their professional and personal lives), it's easy to forget how young most of them are. When a young man is leading an NFL team on the national stage (not to mention in a town that is famous for their rabid sports fans - especially football fans), he seems larger-than-life and often wiser than his years. But this recent hoopla concerning Jay Cutler and the Denver Broncos just goes to show that a kid in his mid-20's, no matter that he's a starting QB, is still a kid in his mid-20's.

It seems to me that Jay Cutler, although he probably has reason to be hurt over the Matt Cassel trade attempt, is allowing his young, hormonal brain and his aggressive, media-circus-hungry agent to let this situation spin completely out of control. This is one of the problems with throwing money, fame and a sort of power at young men who have never had to grow up past the guidance of coaches, agents and lawyers.

I'm not actually getting on a soapbox here. I don't want to change the game of football or who plays it. I'm just mildly amused at how worked up everyone is getting over what is really just a pretty obvious sign of immaturity.

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